Sunday, April 01, 2007

For one of the only two men of my life that I have known forever

Just like me, when you were 4 or 5, you wanted a little baby sister. Presumably because all your friends had baby sisters. Years later, when your baby sister outgrew your bullying, you wished you had a brother you could beat up (or atleast fight with). But you stopped giving her those trademark whacks of yours that would lead to hours of excruciating howls on her part. You put up with her when she knocked a little too often on the door that you closed when you were studying. Also when you were sleeping, pretending to be studying. You put up with her when she demanded to know why the door needed to be closed. You hit her on the head with your textbook when she sang (unsure of choice of word) outside your room window. Only to discover that the singing was more bearable when compared to the wailing it then gave way to.

The road-trips to Kannur where you fought over what music to play. You wanted English songs. And she Hindi. You let her sleep with her head on your lap during the journey. Those were the times when we both sat in the backseat of the car, and Mumma and Papa drove.

We grew up, a lot of things happened. You shifted to the front seat of the car, took charge of the steering wheel. You fell in love, and I met the person who is today your wife. You left home to work, I saw lesser of you, I missed you. You brought an energy into the house when you came home. We all giggled at your antics, laughed at your jokes. I marvelled at your knowledge. And intelligent remarks. We saw you through ups and downs.

Two years back, you got married. You brought home a wife, who became more of family than we ourselves ever could be. My bhabhi, my friend. Someone who matched your energy, or should I say far surpassed it.. :)

Amidst all that, you still remain that silent support. The person I can bank on, without having to give an explanation. You understand quietly without needing to hear anything. You couldn't bear to see me in pain when I was admitted to the hospital. You are the sweetest, kindest and most understanding brother that any sister could ever ask for.

Love you Etta.
Happy Birthday.


dipendra said...

really...says so much more than it does.And we all who know rachu ..know how much etta means to her.!!happy birthday ranjit.!

Karthik said...

This out-of-the-heart blog conveys a lot more than a thousand greeting cards...I got reminded of my younger brother Vicky whose b'day is fast approaching...I am sure everyone who reads this will get sweet memories of one's own brothers and sisters...Good job Rachna and Happy B'day Ranjit...

padmaja said...

hey thats heartwarming.keep posting

Lavanya said...

This is the best piece i've read in recent times. Did not think the foolish man (who is my husband) has so deeply touched the life of my little sister-in-law and friend. I love you both. Me.

Unknown said...

aww.. didi thats such a lovely one...
nice :)